Building tomorrow's leaders today

The journey towards self-determination starts here...

Te Korowai Ariki delivers programmes that enhance cultural awareness and identity, catering to the diverse needs of rangatahi and restoring in them a sense of mana and belonging within their whānau, hapū, iwi and community, connecting rangatahi to their whakapapa and turangawaewae, and ultimately building their resilience.

Central to the programmes is an acknowledgement that inner strength is the driving force of success.  The programmes bring inner strength to the fore and take youth on a journey where they develop their dreams and aspirations, setting in motion their pathway towards personal advancement physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Te Korowai Ariki draws on taonga tuku iho or the full potential of every rangatahi, utilising kaupapa Māori methods of engagement and a range of customary activities.  The aim is to connect tamariki, taitamariki and rangatahi through whakapapa as well as immersing them in elements of tikanga Māori.

This approach also serves to utilise each individual's personal strengths (mana) and supports (whānau tautoko, whakapapa) to achieve Mauri Ora (physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing).

Pupuri te mauri

Hei oranga wairua

Hei oranga hinengaro

Hei oranga tinana

Hei oranga tamariki

Hei oranga whānau

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